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Volume 2 | Issue 1 | July 2007 | 

The second letter to George W. Bush
Hossein Mostafavi Kashani


Now you are
the most famous President of the United States.
Afghanistan is in your right pocket
And Iraq in the left one.
Your pockets are endless
All the oil fields in the world could fit into them.

You have grown extra hands and feet
Ever since you became President
Little by little you are starting to look like an Octopus;
All the people who campaigned and voted for you
Are your partners in crime.

You are walking with their feet
And using their hands to snatch countries
Just like a spoilt rich child who points at a toy
stamps his feet on the ground and says:
I want this NOW or ….!

I bet you couldn’t even find a leaf
that would vote for you
Or a bird, or a raindrop, or the wind .
Rivers have nothing to do with you
For ,they care only for the sea.

You can’t even swim in your dreams
For, you are afraid you’ll drown your heart;
The heart that has nothing better to do
than to play with fire
along with your English playmates.

Maybe, one day
all the children of Afghanistan and Iraq
will forgive you
Along with the poets of the world.
Maybe God will forgive you as well

But the woman who has taken care of you
The mother who has cared for you
Watched you sleep, while dreaming of angel
Will never forgive you for what you have done.
Mothers cannot love a killer even if
he happens to be their son or
The most famous President of the United States.

(Translated by : F.Hassanzadeh (Mostafavi ))









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