
Diane Gage

    Stake it with a stick, a flag
    a rifle, a missile, plunge it 
    deep into harsh or forgiving 
    ground. Say “in the name of” 
    what stands in your language 
    for “mine,” to do with as I will 
    or we will, or can do. The devil 
    in his dancing shoes? Perhaps. 
    Or the poised diver alone high 
    on a platform above, about 
    to beautifully out-grace others, 
    take home the medal, savor
    a serving or banquet of fame.
    Between extremes of obvious
    drama, most of us negotiate
    smaller and quieter claims -
    the various knick-knacks
    of identity, the tough, fragile
    ova of love and pride."


Diane Gage - Diane Gage is a writer, artist and Expressive Arts Counselor. Born in Montana and educated in literature and language in North Carolina (Duke, MA) and Arizona (ASU, PhD), she is also a graduate of the Expressive Arts Institute and the European Graduate School in Switzerland. Poetry is Diane Gage’s primary passion and she has published poems in various venues such as Rattapallax, Seattle Review, Puerto del Sol, Poeisis and the National Forum.

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