The Painter's Mantle


    Whenever I get time, I write a few lines of poetry
    Or don the painter’s mantle,
     Not a mere hobby or an idle woman’s pastime –
     But an exploration of my long-lost identity,
    An honest expression of my thoughts,
    An aesthetic unravelling of my past, present and future.

    Quite often, I do spend considerable time
    Pondering over my life’s incorrigible patterns –
    Its sudden undulations, sloppy curves,
    Mountainous terrain, deep crevices and gorges,
    Its stupendous waterfalls…
    Having thought long and hard,
    I finally wield my long, broad brush
    And palette of cool, placid colours.
    In a span of few hours, a painting is born -
    A collage of  sad images,
    Fragments of broken desires
    Etched onto the canvas of life.

    But today, what has happened to me?
    All of a sudden, I feel at a loss,
    Feel  perplexed and flustered
    At my indecisiveness,
    Lack of clarity in thought…
    What shall I paint?
    Shall I paint you? Me?
    The stormy turbulence
    Of an unforgettable past?
    I really don’t know. 

    I squeeze my head for an answer.
    I had never felt like this before.
    I never had any dearth of ideas.
    But what has happened to me now?
    I throw the brush away in a fit of desperation.
    The palette hits the wall and a riot of colours
    Splashes across the ceiling;
    A random mix of soft, dark, violent hues…
    In just a few seconds, a painting is born.
    The whole of nature appears embedded in it;
    Its deep seas, dragon whirlpools,
    Wild forests and mountains…
    Perfectly etched into the background
    Are two dark shadows;
    Two images trying to find
    A world of solace in the dark,
    Unknown wilderness.


Nayanathara - A native of Kerala, India, Nayanathara has been working as a content writer for the past 5 years. Presently, she is working as a part-time content writer for a firm in Thiruvananthapuram. A post-graduate in English literature, she has contributed poetry to several leading websites and online literary journals.

Nayanathara  in this issue... Tags: Thanal Online, web magazine dedicated for poetry and literature Nayanathara, The Painter's Mantle
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