Trading relations

Abbas Panakkal

    Marriage was cheaper
    than ginger and pepper.

    Mock trader satisfied ginger
    smelling teenage girls,
    flirted with pepper smelling boys.

    Traditional taste of Karkidaka
    porridge lingers on tongue.

    Giggling tales at
    the pond echoes in mind.

    Agar smell of old teak,
    burning at his posh drawing room,
    takes gulp of intimacy.

    Half native girls peeped
    through the customary smoke.

    Old lady,
    kept the reddish look of
    midnight henna,
    told tale of halva bazaar
    and explained geometry
    of her bridal chamber.

    She never knew
    old bullock cart driver,
    ardent lover,
    not keeping time for an elopement.

    Old vehicle and bulls
    always came late in memories,
    even in key moments.

    Second childishness
    salted away sadness of the land,
    carts, lovers and spices
    dissolved in Arabian saline sea.


Abbas Panakkal -
Abbas Panakkal  in this issue... Tags: Thanal Online, web magazine dedicated for poetry and literature Abbas Panakkal, Trading relations
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