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Volume 2 | Issue 2 | December 2007 | 

Sun, you could quit
Aboobacker.C. P


Sun, you could go now
You dawned as darkness
In the eyes of the weeping child
You gave in the heart of the dove
The pangs of wounds
Sun, you could go now.
You threw bitter seeds of itching
On the power-mongering penises
The corpses boiled in cohabitation
With the maniacs running after power.
The loud flames became silent
The epics became ashes
Sun, you could go now
The plains are burning
The miseries are multiplying
The hearts are running from the caves
To escape the wrath of your forests
The wheels of the chariot are moving
We are all tired, our hearts are pierced,
On the pillars and stone carvings
The eyes of wrath are pumping fire
Sun, you could go now
Corpses are covered in worms
In the noisy townships
Yesterday the headless corpses
Robbed the streets of their power
The girls selling flowers
Were ground under bulldozers
The birds that flew with distant breezes
Broke their wings and died.
Sun, you could go now
Memory is a lightning
In it life is as pure as stream water
My monasteries are all loud
With the sounds of flowers swelling
Sun, you could go now
The countryside has become uninhabited
Still let the earth sharpen its thorns,
Mines grow sufficient love,
And the blue eyes become filled
With lakes of kindliness

Buds of eyes will sprout
With sprinkles on the hills
Kindness in the rivers
And dreams in the greenly plains
They will see life
Till you return tomorrow
Sun, you could go now,
You could quit










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